As we are going to understand HTML, CSS and JavaScript let's take an example to understand it.
Just Suppose the Human body , The basic structure of the body is skeleton , Now the skeleton is HTML which creates the structured content of the webpage , Then the skin and cloth make the body appears beautiful so that is CSS which makes the Webpage beautiful now Human body need movement like moving arm, leg, neck etc.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
HTML [HyperText Markup Language] is a language that is used to create or build structured content on the website.
HTML is not a programming language which means HTML language does not have any decision-making capabilities.
Mostly every browser supports HTML.
Most of the time websites are made up of HTML.
HTML compatibility is very high. Those websites which are made by HTML can be accessed by any electronic device like mobile phones, laptops, computers etc.
HTML is versatile, it can make web apps, email templates, and mobile apps.
HTML is easy to learn.
A simple website can be made up by only HTML.
CSS(Cascading StyleSheets)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)is used to give the beautification on the content of the website.
CSS is used to define the style of elements on the web page, such as font, color, background color, size and other elements.
CSS is used to make animations.
JavaScript is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language used to make webpages interactive (e.g., having complex animations, clickable buttons, popup menus, etc.).
Javascript is used by programmers across the world to create dynamic and interactive web content like applications and browsers. JavaScript is so popular that it's the most used programming language in the world, used as a client-side programming language by 97.0% of all websites.
Before JavaScript was developed, web pages were static but if a web page needs to display dynamic content or respond to user input, the data fetch from the server and then refresh the page it decrease user experience.
In JavaScript there is no need for refreshing the page, data can be fetch by JavaScript and even we can change HTML elements by JavaScript.
History of JavaScript
JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995.
The first name of the JavaScript language is mocha that's a coffee name because at that time developers are obsessed with coffee after 6 month or 1 year its name changed to LiveScript.
And then at that time, Java language was very popular so the inventor thought if the name of his language is similar to Java maybe it would get famous which is absolutely work.
It was developed for Netscape.
Netscape was a famous browser at that time.
In 2008, the V8 engine is introduced by Google which make JavaScript easy for developers.
JavaScript is called scripted language because it does not need additional power or software to work like java need an engine to work on the browser but when we code in JavaScript on the browser, browser is capable to run the code.
Ryan Dahl invented node.js.
node.js provided a way to run JavaScript code from outside a browser.
EcmaScript is an organization that sets rules for JavaScript, how it works and what feature is added to JavaScript.
A user or developer has to code on JavaScript under the guidelines of EcmaScript.
If anything modifies, or changes in JavaScript it will be done by EcmasScript and the changes are done to make JavaScript more powerful.
In 2005, ES 5 was introduced which has some new features in JavaScript.
In 2015, ES 6 was introduced which made JavaScript more powerful.
Since 2015, major versions have been published every June. ECMAScript 2022, the 13th and the current version, was released in June 2022.
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